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Blue lava Kawah Ijen Volcano Indonesia 

Blue lava Kawah Ijen Volcano Indonesia, there are many people curious what is blue lava in kawah Ijen Indonesia made?

This blue lava or blue flame, [ whatever people called it ] it's made by the sulfur gas mixed with the oxygen and burn out by the lava that came out from the crater of kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia.
 "Kawah Ijen" is the blue lava volcano name

You know what make it special, !! "You never find its beautiful blue flame fenomena except on this 2 places in the world"
One here in kawah Ijen volcano Indonesia and the other one is on dallol.
This blue flame can only be seen in the middle of the night or easily say in the dark 
So if you trekking to kawah Ijen Volcano in the day, don't even think about the blue lava at all.

blue lava kawah ijen volcano indonesia

If you wonder how to get kawah Ijen,? easy,!! call us and we'll arrange everything for you wherever you are in Indonesia. check ijen bromo tour from banyuwangi

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