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Green bay

Destinations which became one of the mainstays of this time is the Green Bay /Teluk ijo, In addition to the sea-green water, white sand is also clean. 
Beach tourism is also a mainstay for the city which has another name of this Blambangan.

     Gulf Coast Green / Green Bay is about 90 km from Banyuwangi city center towards the south, the village Sarongan, District Pesanggaran. Along the way to get to this place, you will be treated by soothing views of the eye. Nan river clean with tree - green and shady trees around it, as well as rice fields and green hills. After passing the coast and passes through the housing Tsunami.Tibalah Rajegwesi region located in the vehicle parking bay area green. From here travelers have to choose whether to use the land or the sea route. Each route has its own challenges and beauty that will not be forgotten.

     When choosing a route by land, you must go into areas that were previously peaceful bay you have to pay the entrance fee in advance at a checkpoint in the area of the river ox. From here you have to walk down the hill past the track as far as 1 km. This region of the tropical forest provides coolness along the journey. After 30 minutes to 1 hour overland journey, you will arrive at the beach Stone / Stone Beach,  waves that break up the rocks along the coast of Stone Beach combined air tropical forests, will be the first scenery before reaching the beautiful paradise that the hidden behind the hill. Distance from the beach stone green bay just 300 meters away, you can just rock along the coast you will arrive at the hidden beautiful paradise. Uniquely from the Gulf Coast Green is to have 2 different coastal beaches with white sand is clean and neat rocky coast by nature limited only small hills.

if you take  it's possible to visit This beach, because this beach is included in this tour 

     If you choose the second path, the path of the sea you will feel a different challenge. For this route, you should stop at the beach Rajegwesi By renting a boat of fishermen. in addition to the travel time is relatively shorter. Simply by paying 35,000 for a single person, you will be presented with a view that is no less interesting. Surf bays and meeting the high seas of the Indian Ocean currents made the trip so thrilling at once admirable. Throughout the fishing boat trip will take you to see the line of hills - the beautiful hills and rocks which lie along the way, it takes 20 minutes to reach the sea journey and arrived at the green bay. No wonder called green bay because of seawater really beautiful green. Green color arising from the bottom shallow waters contained algae. Clean white sand with the grain rather large and charming scenery along the beach will spoil our eyes.

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